BOOTSTRAP yaitu produk Twitter untuk membangun situs web atau blog berbasis HTML dan CSS dengan mudah, cepat, dan menghasilkan template blog yang responsive (mobile friendly) dan higienis (clean).
Template blog modern umumnya dibangun dengan bootstrap sehingga tampil minimalis, bersih, dan fast loading yang tentu saja juga ramah mesin pencari (SEO Friendly).
Twitter bootstrap is a collection of tools that will eases creation of websites using in built functionality. Twitter bootstrap is an open source web development kit to give consistent and good user experience. It has HTML and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components. It also has some JavaScript extensions which surely improves user experience.
Salah satu ciri template blog dengan bootstrap yaitu bab header atau navigasi menunya yang simple, modern, elegan, minimalis, floating, responsive-dropdown.
Berikut ini beberapa template blogger yang dibangun dengan Bootstrap. Tinggal download dan intall, kemudian modifikasi sesuai dengan selera.
LifeHack Premium Responsive Blogger Template
Lifehack is a customized blogger template and built using twitter bootstrap 3. Its a fully responsive magazine blogger template best suited for magazines and news sites. It can also used for business blogs by removing magazine widgets used in home page.
Picsalad BS Blogger Template
Picsalad is viralnova clone responsive blogger template with plenty of features. It is coming with an option to showcase a full content width image thumbnail.
Standard Blogger Theme
Evid BT
BootStrap 3 Blogger Template
Flat Design Bootstrap Blogger Template
Flat Design Twitter Bootstrap Blogger Template
Twitter Bootstrap Blogger Template
Basic Twitter Bootstrap Blogger Template
Bootstrap Blogger Template
Bootstrap 3 Blogger Template